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shipping policy

Delivery charge varies with each item. EHF generally ships the items within 2 days of receipt of order.. Business days exclude public holidays and Sundays .Estimated delivery time depends on the following factors:The product,Product's availability with the Seller and The destination to which you want the order shipped to.There are NO hidden charges when you make a purchase on EHF. List prices are final and all-inclusive. The price you see on the product page is exactly what you would pay.Delivery charges are not hidden charges and are charged (if at all) extra depending on some special circumstances such as shipping to remote areas/abroad or re-shipping.If you haven't provided your pincode until the checkout stage, the pincode in your shipping address will be used to check for serviceability.Whether your location can be serviced or not depends on:Whether EHF ships to your location,Legal restrictions, if any, in shipping particular products to your location and The availability of reliable courier partners in your location.At times EHF msy not prefer to ship to certain locations. This is entirely at EHF`s discretion. Availability of CoD depends on the ability of our courier partner servicing your location to accept cash as payment at the time of delivery. You can return the item through a third-party courier service. Return fees are borne by you.

How long before you get your purchase?

How do we deliver the orders?

Shipping of Products

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Does EHF deliver internationally?

Registered address

Working Office: 35A, Mohamadpur, Near Bhikaji Metro Station, New Delhi-110066
Regd Office: 103, Taj Apartment, Ring road, Near AIIMS Metro Station, New Delhi- 110029